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Thanks again for visiting our website! All the comments for foods and dishes here are  just our personal opinions. The information is given on our last visit, If you're the owner and want to update or there's any advice you want to share with us, you're still very welcome! you know where to go :-) Guten Appetit!

Dear all,


아메리카노 ₩3,500원 美式咖啡

카페라떼 ₩4,000원 拿鐵 티라미수타르트 /

청포도 타르트 ₩6,000원

提拉米蘇塔/ 白葡萄塔


부산광역시 부산진구 전포동 692-3

釜山 釜山鎮區 田浦洞 692-3 연락처 010-8779-1809 영업 시간 11:00-23:00

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