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Thanks again for visiting our website! All the comments for foods and dishes here are  just our personal opinions. The information is given on our last visit, If you're the owner and want to update or there's any advice you want to share with us, you're still very welcome! you know where to go :-) Guten Appetit!

Dear all,

홍콩반점 0410 香港班長0410

짜장면 ₩4,000원

짬뽕 ₩4,500원

탕수육 ₩9,500원


(밀리오레 후문 앞)


서울특별시 중구 장충단로13길 11 지하1층

(서울 중구 을지로6가 18-96번지)

번호: 02-2269-5778

주문가능시간 : 오전11시30분 ~ 익일 오전6시30분

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